Sang Hamba: Halangan terbesar

Sang Hamba

Peringatan Buat Diriku yang Lupa

Friday, May 19, 2006

Halangan terbesar

Do you know what is the biggest obstacle that a person who wants to purify himself (menyucikan & memperbaiki diri) need to face? I dunno what you guys will think but from my point of view, its the FOOD! I will not scare you by explaining this in details but enough to say, one wrong bite and I will end up praying Subuh at 7.30AM :P.

In this so called modern world, the FOOD all around us, they are like landmines. One wrong step and you are destroyed. Especially when most of the food manufacturers in Malaysia are non-muslim (chinese mostly). Have you ever considered where did they get the money to start their business? Will there be any chance that maybe some of it come from gambling or "tikam nombor ekor" or whatsoever since it is never been probihited for them and that is what many of them like to do. Or at least, maybe they get it from non-halal or 'Riba' Scheme (Even muslims involve in this).

Believe it or not I have fallen and Alhamdulillah stand again for SO MANY TIMES from this kind of 'failure to resist to food' kind of problem. We malaysians are kinda pampered in a way that is not helping our Deen. I hope Allah will keep me firm next time or at least never turn away from me everytime I fall. May Allah always guide us in our everyday life InsyaAllah.

This post was written with the nature of "not to be commented". Thanks


  • At 1:48 AM, Blogger Izham Miyake said…

    i remembered u love to watch those chinese movies.

    as u can see, they even do brothels.

    Same in here. illegal brothels.


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